
Shop Around For Your Mortgage

November 4, 2013

The mortgage landscape is constantly changing, as loan programs appear to come and go on a daily basis. In order to best take advantage of these programs, at the very least, you need to know which ones are available. Even if you have worked with one lender on a few deals, it is beneficial to […]

Learn From The Mistakes of Others

November 1, 2013

Most new real estate investors do not make it through their first year in the business. After a few months, reality sets in and the industry reveals its true nature. As hard as it may be to believe, you have to treat this opportunity as you would any other new business. Knowing what not to […]

There Is No Right Way To Invest

October 30, 2013

Listening to everyone, and their personal opinion on how to succeed in the real estate business, may confuse the average individual. There is a myriad of possibilities, each of which have their benefits and pitfalls. For every investor who believes that single-family rentals are the only way to go, there is someone telling you to […]

Identifying Motivated Sellers

October 28, 2013

Time is perhaps the biggest asset you have in the real estate industry. How well you use it will delineate you from the rest of your competitors. If you are working on multiple deals, it can be easy to get bogged down with one snag and forget about everything else. This is where many investors […]