

5 Tips To Get More Bank Owned Listings Accepted

January 27, 2020

There is a huge difference between bank owned listings and those from a traditional seller. Even though the process is essentially the same, in many respects it is very different. With bank owned listings you may only get one chance to submit your offer. If the “I’s” aren’t dotted and the “T’s” aren’t crossed it […]


When To Consider Refinancing A Property

December 27, 2019

Every property in your real estate portfolio is different. Even if you have multiple rentals in the same market you need to look at them individually. No two properties will produce the same monthly cash flow, with the same expenses at the same repayment terms. It is a good exercise to evaluate your portfolio at […]


Avoid These Landlording Mistakes

November 29, 2019

Do you remember how you felt when you closed on your rental property? You had visions of collecting rent checks and building equity for years to come. You heard horror stories of evictions and rowdy tenants but swore that would never happen to you. Things were going smoothly with your rental and then out of […]


Signs That You Should Find A New Investing Market

October 25, 2019

Your primary investing market is one of the biggest influences on the success of your investment. You can have a great physical property with plenty of modern updates, but if the market is soft you won’t have the return you anticipate. On the flip side, if your market is strong demand will be high and […]