5 Tips To Help Improve Phone Call Conversion
By Paul Esajian on February 8, 2017
It is important to convert on every potential lead that comes your way. If you are going to spend the time, money and effort sending out mail you need to be ready when calls begin pouring in. Getting your phone to ring is a great start but without conversion you will be disappointed in your results. The conversion process starts the minute you say “hello”. Whether you know it or not you are being judged on everything you say, how you say it and sometimes even when you say it. You don’t need to be the best speaker or have the greatest voice to convert leads to deals. There are a few simple things you can do that will greatly increase your closing percentage. Here are five tips that will help you improve phone lead conversion.
- Know The Situation. Lead conversion starts before your first mailer is sent. It is important that you spend some time researching your target market. If you are sending to homeowners who are late on their mortgage or in foreclosure you should know everything about their situation. The same is the case whether you are focused on probate, tax liens, divorce or out of state landlords. Knowing what they are going through gives you some insight on what they will face if they don’t take action. This will help answer questions, give advice and figure out what to do next. By being an expert in your mailing niche you present yourself as an authority and not just an investor who is looking to buy real estate. You will be more respected which ultimately helps build a rapport which leads to an increased conversion rate.
- Have A Plan. Not everyone has the ability to think (and talk) on the fly. When a new call comes in you most likely only have one chance to make a good impression. If you don’t get the information you want you may not have a second chance. The best way to ensure you say everything you want is by making a plan. Write down what questions you want to ask and the order you want to ask them in. Some investors will go so far as to write out a full script for every conversation. As long as you can avoid sounding scripted there is nothing wrong with this approach. When you get a caller on the phone you need to get as much information as you can during the initial call. Depending on how the conversation goes they may not respond to a call back. Without getting the right information you won’t be able to gage the strength of the deal and how aggressively you should move forward. You also don’t want to be calling people back telling them you forgot about something from the previous conversation. Have a plan of attack to get the information you need.
- Have Voicemail Script Ready. There are many investors who hang up once the call goes to voicemail. They feel that by leaving a message it decreases the chances of a callback. If you are going to make a call you should commit to leaving a message. You may get more people curious as to who called but once they hear it is a real estate investor they won’t be so quick to respond. Your voicemail should be quick and to the point. You don’t want to leave a long, rambling 45 second message that will end up doing more harm than good. State who you are, why you are calling, a little bit about their situation and a number they can call you back. You don’t want to give too much information but you want to let it be known that you may be able to help with what they are going through. Make note of the time and date so you can stagger your call time for the next day. A weak, unorganized message greatly decreases the chances of a call back.
- Call Back Plan. Regardless of how the initial conversation goes there should always be a call back. Just like with the initial call you need to have a plan with the call back. If there were any issues or concerns you need to address them prior to talking again. Your second call is usually the time when you can get an idea if there is interest from both sides. Ideally the next time you speak should be at the homeowner’s house. That way you can see the property and get a better idea on the condition and the area. Everything you do on the call back should push for a meeting at the house to discuss the deal in person.
- Prepare Answers. The more homeowners you talk to the better idea you will have on which issues are relevant to them. Make a list of the common questions and save your answers. The research you did before the mailing should have given you some idea of what you can expect but there will always be questions on the fly. By getting ahead of what questions the homeowner will ask puts you in the best possible light. They will feel confident knowing they are working with someone who really knows what they are doing and has their best interest in mind. The more questions you are prepared for the smoother your one on one meeting will be.
Talking to people on the phone is an important aspect of the real estate business. Prior to your next direct mail campaign keep these five tips in mind.