4 Ways To Change Your Daily Habits And Improve Your Business

By on July 29, 2016
daily habit

Our daily habits directly impact what we do every day. While this may work to derail you it can also galvanize you and push you to new heights.  Getting into a good routine is as much about creating good habits as anything else. Anyone that has ever tried a new diet or a new workout plan knows that motivation is not enough.  You can have inspiration but without strong habits eventually you will fall off course.  Fortunately it is not a stretch to say that you can really change your business tomorrow.  One day of a new routine will push you to the next day and after a few weeks you have set your business on a totally new course.  Here are four ways you can change your daily work habits and change your business for the better.

  • Be Ready To Change. New habits only stick if you are ready for them to. If you are truly not ready for change you will end up right back where you started. This means you need to be focused and ready to accept whatever comes your way. Bad habits are very difficult to change. They have probably been developed for several months, if not years. Many times they are impacting your business without you even realizing it. Start by taking inventory of what you don’t like about your business. Once you get to the heart of the problem visualize what your perfect work day would be like. The next step is to write down exactly what you need to do to make this happen. Changing years of bad habits can be difficult but is far from impossible. Everything starts with a willingness to change on your end.
  • Small Victories. Once you have the right mindset to change your habits you need to take action. One of the problems that most people have with any change is that they want instant results. If they don’t lose five pounds in the first day they consider their diet a failure and revert back to their hold habits. If they don’t get three new leads immediately they think their marketing doesn’t work. The best way to combat this is by taking small strides every day. If you wanted to run a marathon after years of inactivity four hours of exercise isn’t the best strategy to implore. Instead of giving you hope it will defeat you. By making small changes every day you will be motivated to build on your momentum. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and want to do more. Small progress every day may not seem like much but it is improvement in the right direction. Never discount the small steps you take to change your habits.
  • Develop A Routine You Like. Do you work best in the morning? Are you up to all hours of the night? Do you have kids or family that needs attention at a specific time of the day? The best part of being in the real estate business is that you can make your own schedule. There is no dedicated office you need to sit in or time card you need to punch. You create how, when and where you work. One secret to developing better habits is to find a routine you like. Sticking with the exercise theme there are a dozen ways to get and stay healthy. You don’t need a gym membership to work out. If you like working out at home there are hundreds of DVD’s you can find. The same is the case for your business. If you are a morning person you can develop a routine that allows you to get your most important tasks done in the morning. If you have a few favorite TV shows you watch why not work during the commercial breaks? If you don’t like your routine you will eventually stop doing it. You can create whatever routine or schedule that works for you.
  • Bounce Back Quickly. As much as you may desperately want change and be driven to achieve it there will be slip ups along the way. Human beings are imperfect people. Don’t let one day push you entirely off course. A large majority of people never get back on track after they slip up. If you want to change your habits you need to make a commitment for a predetermined period of time. Tell yourself that you are going to try something different for the next 30 days. During this time you will revert back to some old habits but you need to bounce back quickly. It is not the mistakes you make but the ability to recover that will ultimately determine your changes. One of the best ways to help in this area is by holding yourself accountable. Tell your spouse, co-worker, friends or people in your network that you making some changes. By doing this you put yourself out there and have other people to answer to. When you talk to them again they will ask how you are doing. In order to avoid embarrassment you may push a little harder when you may have thought about quitting. It may help you get back on track when you were ready to throw in the towel. Most people who try to change their habits fail multiple times. Don’t let your first failure ruin your goals.

You can often judge the success of an investor by their habits and daily routine. If you don’t like where your business is headed you can change it today.

